Following the ‘Karimojong Servants’ video expose by the Kenya Television Network (KTN), the abuse of the Karamoja region-Ugandan girls in Nairobi (and beyond) created a huge impact around the world. Hundreds of feedback messages hit CHTEA’s social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Whatsapp and the Website. The main feedback message was that human trafficking is an unacceptable practice in the modern day society.
The KTN documentary elicited calls (from both State and non-state actors) for urgency to rescue the remaining girls in Eastleigh. The urgency calls have so far culminated to the development a second rescue phase strategy. The second phase is spearheaded by a consortium whose lead agency is the Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) alongside the Counter Trafficking in Persons’ Secretariat under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. Other members of the consortium include the Ugandan Embassy in Nairobi, the Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, the Transnational Organised Crime Unit of the DCI…(all State related agencies), the Federation of the International Women Lawyers in Kenya (FIDA Kenya), the Counter Human Trafficking Trust-East Africa (CHTEA) and the Candle of Hope Foundation (CoHF). The project Secretariat of this consortium will be domiciled at CHTEA. The consortium has attracted the interest of Project Rescue Children from Australia who are exploring collaboration options…………in the line of technical support.
In case you may not have viewed the documentary, here it is:
At this point, the consortium is welcoming viable partnerships with donors in order to provide the requisite financial, technical and material support towards the project. For more details, kindly contact Sister Mary O’Malley, MMM/Patron, CHTEA on Email: or Francis Mutuku Nguli, Executive Director, CHTEA on Email: