Kenya’s NAHUSOM Network Takes Shape

The Heads (CEO’s, Executive Directors, Coordinators, Team Leaders, e.t.c.) of National Civil Society organizations of Kenya who’s focus is on countering Human Trafficking, irregular Migration, Labour Exploitation, Forced Marriages/FGM  and allied dynamics met on 13th September 2024 at the Center for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD), in Westlands and resolved to among other things affirm the priority to form this broad network.

During the meeting, the heads resolved to:

  1. Limit NAHUSOM to National/local CSO’s in order to create a facilitative environment where a genuine platform for proper advocacy and programming gets most attention.
  2. Register for membership as well as pay a minimum annual fee of Ksh 10,000 (USD$100)
  3. Launch NAHUSOM at a breakfast at a date to be determined by a task force team
  4. Domicile the network’s secretariat at CHTEA and provide the requisite infrastructure for operations (tailor-made bank account, secretariat lead, communication infrastructure, etc)
  5. Establish a technical team to support the secretariat with technical input. To be headed by CDTD.

The essence of this network is to leverage on a consortium approach to programming and fundraising as well as a mechanism to engage with the Government of Kenya, the UN agencies, International organizations, regional, continental and global initiatives as well as donor agencies. The network envisages the use of consortium methodology in resourcing so as to maximize on scale.

Above: A group photo of the meeting of the Heads of Organizations during the NAHUSOM meeting at CDTD on 13th September 2024

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