Kenya Launches Joint Operations Centres to Strengthen Border Security and Trade

IOM and Government of Kenya have launched a Joint Operations Centre at the Lunga Lunga OSBP which serves over 2,500 people each day. Photo: IOM Kenya/ Moses Otunga

Kwale, Kenya – In a groundbreaking move to bolster national security and facilitate trade, the Government of Kenya has launched a Joint Operations Centre at the Lunga Lunga One-Stop Border Post in Kwale County bordering Kenya-Tanzania.

The Joint Operation Centre (JOC) unit acts as a central point for gathering, researching, compiling, and sharing information, aimed at improving operations, security, and intelligence exchange at ports of entry and exit.

IOM supports the Government of Kenya to facilitate safe, orderly, and regular cross-border mobility and trade and to effectively address transnational organized crime, including trafficking in persons as well as smuggling of migrants and goods within Kenya and the Horn of Africa through Coordinated Border Management.

“The establishment of the Joint Operation Centre will significantly enhance the effectiveness of multi-agency efforts in securing our borders and improving the overall operations of the BCOCC,”Chege Macharia, Deputy Commissioner, Border Control & Enforcement, Kenya Revenue Authority.

The Lunga Lunga OSBP serves over 2,500 people each day, including cross-border traders, travelers, and migrants. The established JOC at Lunga Lunga will further enhance efficient movement of persons and goods by countering threats at the border and creating synergy among border control and security agencies at the OSBP.

“Through the JOC, the Government of Kenya is moving towards enhanced coordination and information sharing to counter threats and facilitating seamless movement of people and goods while ensuring border security and addressing key challenges relating to border management,” said Dimanche Sharon, IOM Kenya Chief of Mission.

This initiative, funded by Global Affairs Canada, supports the Border Control and Operations Coordination Committee 5-year Strategic Plan and IOM’s strategic vision of facilitating pathways for regular migration of prioritizing whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches to safely connect people, goods, services, knowledge, and innovation.

IOM will continue working with the Ministry of Interior through, State Department for Internal Security and National Administration that brings together all agencies with a border mandate in its efforts in spearheading inter-agency cooperation on border management, enhancing skills of frontline border officials, essential infrastructure, and advanced IT solutions, as well as offer expert technical guidance.

For more information, please contact Cynthia Meru at IOM Kenya, Email:

Second Regional (Continental) Review of the Global Comact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration for Africa

Second Regional (Continental) Review of the Global Comact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration for Africa

8 - 10 October 2024 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)


In the past few years, the African Non-state Actors Platform has been deliberate in its       engagements in the GCM Regional Review process, particularly ensuring the diversity of voices and participation of civil society, diaspora actors and trade unions. This is not simply about recognition at the dialogue but most importantly about advancing the concerns of migrant populations from various sub-regions at this Second Regional Review in Addis Ababa, and towards the second International Migration Review Forum in New York in 2026.    

As African Non-State Actors, our ambition is to go beyond sharing human stories, and humanising migration governance discourse, but also wanting to directly impact the hearts of policymakers to shape policies and practices that impact real lives behind numbers and global frameworks like the GCM. To achieve this, there is an urgent need for meaningful partnership and intentional commitment between member states and non-state actors, including civil society, academia, the private sector, migrant organisations, diaspora actors, and the  trade unions.          

In preparing for the Second GCM Regional Review in Addis Ababa, the African Non-State Actors also note the difficulties for stakeholders (states and non-states) in obtaining visas to enter Ethiopia. We note with disappointment that our colleagues had to spend several hours overnight at the airport. This puts into context the challenges that Africans face in moving within Africa due to rigid visa regimes.

Within the context of the insights gathered from the Stakeholders Consultation on the GCM Review held in Dakar from 3 – 4 September, and the Virtual GCM Exchange on Building Brides with Champions for Impact held on 3 October, key messages are proposed to African member states in light of this Second African Regional Review of the GCM. In this regard, we present the following recommendations:

Legal pathways have to work for migrants             

  • Prioritize the harmonization of existing policies and frameworks surrounding legal pathways in the continent, while also committing to meaningful implementation of these strategies.
  • Strongly Prioritize renewed commitment to regional integration, through investing political and economic instruments that will remove artificial barriers to free movement in the sub-region.
  • Strongly urge the ratification of existing regional migration frameworks - such as the AU Free Movement Protocol.
  • Strongly invest in economic growth and development both at the country, sub-regional, and regional levels, with aim of creating sustainable jobs and improving people’s standard of living, which will in-turn minimize irregular migration in the sub-region.
  • Urge member states and stakeholders to invest skills and capacity building to advance socio-economic development and achieve the ‘Africa We Want’.

Protection of Migrants and Migrant Workers

  • Protect human rights of migrants and migrant workers by adapting and implementing the GCM Objectives and other international instruments on labor migration standards.
  • Enhance social protection, access and integration through regular pathways for migrant workers regardless of their migratory status, at both transit and destination countries
  • Encourage bi-lateral agreements to promote the protection of labor migrants, women, and children, as well as enhance safe and right-based movements
  • Prioritize the protection of migrants’ rights against racist and xenophobic attacks, both within and outside Africa.
  • Member states must stop the politicization of migration, which usually creates a negative narrative around migrant populations and sets the scene for coordinated xenophobic attacks and racism.

Good data collaboration

  • Strongly call for collaborative approach on scientific and valid data to reflect the reality of migration challenges, particularly on issues of missing migrants, communities affected by climate migration, urban-migration impact, promote skills mobility and formulate rights-based pathways based on evidence.
  • Advocate for the integration of population and multi-sectoral data to enhance evidenced-based migration programs and interventions.

Go beyond just counting your diaspora: 

  • Acknowledge the role of diaspora organisations in supporting the development of both countries of origin and destination.
  • Create the space for diaspora organisations to contribute to the discussions on migration and development; opportunities to drive meaningful partnership.  
  • Urge states and other stakeholders to provide funding support for diaspora organisations in carrying out their activities.

GCM Processes

  • Bring civil society, diaspora and trade unions with you to GCM-related fora as well as the second IMRF. Beyond stakeholders’ participation in meetings, member states need to support them and include them in national-level dialogue and regional reporting on GCM.
  • Meaningfully engage diaspora, civil society, and trade unions. We need to enhance dialogue opportunity for candid discussions between states and non-state actors and scale-up regional and national initiatives that work for migrants.

The above statement was issued by the Civil Society Organisations from the East and Horn of Africa as way of bringing their voice to the table in Addis Ababa. The Regional Review Mechanism was convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to bring African Member States together in an effort to sustain the GCM implementation momentum and peer review processes.

The following CSO organisations attended the convention from Kenya: Counter Human Trafficking Trust-East Africa (CHTEA), Candle of Hope Foundation and TDH (Kenya Office).


Global School Meals Coalition: CSO Reflection Forum – School Meals

Children in school face many challenges with hunger being a big challenge to them. Very often they go to school with empty stomachs and may return home to find nothing to eat. This is a major cause of school drop outs and difficulties in them pursuing their education. On October 24th, 2024, various civil society organizations who are members of the Global School Meals Coalition and who may have interest in the issue of meals in schools convened at the World Vision Head Office in Nairobi.

The main outcomes of the event were, the fact that the Global School Meals Coalition is government led, the commitment by the government of Kenya to incorporate school meals in its national climate change agenda, to do a follow up on the commitment by the government of Kenya on the issue of school meals, civil society organizations were encouraged to join the coalition and the various initiatives undertaken by CSOs in making sure school going kids don’t lack food. The discussants agreed among themselves and registered to engage with the government on the issue of meals in school. CHTEA was among the organisations at the table owing to education interest for both secondary, tertiary and university levels.

World Vision appreciated the participants from various CSOs for embracing the discourse. A brief background of the subject of the day was made citing that hunger was a major challenge to schoold regardless of where they were located. The Global School Meals Coalition was introduced as well as the circumstances that led to its formation. It was noted that food for children both in school and at home is a global challenge that requires the effort of everyone to tackle it. Participants were encouraged to feel free to engage and help to chart a way forward.

The coalition is a government led initiative and has seen the membership of 103 countries and 3 regions (continents) globally. There is a push for governments to make commitments to the coalition on actions they will take in actualizing the agenda of the coalition. Kenya was acknowledged as among the first to make her commitment with president William Ruto committing to introduce universal coverage, meaning a scale up from 1.8 million to 10 million children by 2030. The country is incorporating school meals into its national climate change effort, integrating planet friendly measures such as clean cooking initiatives. The Kenya commitment was shared among discussants in hard copies for perusal.

CSOs were encouraged to join the coalition as it provided an opportunity to engage the government on the issue of school meals which is of public interest. It was further stated that since it is the work of the government to provide food for the children in school, joining the coalition will enable the CSOs to push the government to make it a national agenda.

Kenya’s NAHUSOM Network Takes Shape

The Heads (CEO’s, Executive Directors, Coordinators, Team Leaders, e.t.c.) of National Civil Society organizations of Kenya who’s focus is on countering Human Trafficking, irregular Migration, Labour Exploitation, Forced Marriages/FGM  and allied dynamics met on 13th September 2024 at the Center for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD), in Westlands and resolved to among other things affirm the priority to form this broad network.

During the meeting, the heads resolved to:

  1. Limit NAHUSOM to National/local CSO’s in order to create a facilitative environment where a genuine platform for proper advocacy and programming gets most attention.
  2. Register for membership as well as pay a minimum annual fee of Ksh 10,000 (USD$100)
  3. Launch NAHUSOM at a breakfast at a date to be determined by a task force team
  4. Domicile the network’s secretariat at CHTEA and provide the requisite infrastructure for operations (tailor-made bank account, secretariat lead, communication infrastructure, etc)
  5. Establish a technical team to support the secretariat with technical input. To be headed by CDTD.

The essence of this network is to leverage on a consortium approach to programming and fundraising as well as a mechanism to engage with the Government of Kenya, the UN agencies, International organizations, regional, continental and global initiatives as well as donor agencies. The network envisages the use of consortium methodology in resourcing so as to maximize on scale.

Above: A group photo of the meeting of the Heads of Organizations during the NAHUSOM meeting at CDTD on 13th September 2024

The story of a resilient Mercy

The story of ‘Mercy’ goes like fiction. At 17 years, Mercy (the short form) found herself struggling to continue with her education dream. This, even after she scored an enviable 316 points at Kenya Certificate Primary Education (KCPE) which earned her admission to Moi Girls Nairobi school, a prestigious national girls’ school.

Being an orphan, she relied on her older siblings to pursue her education. She found herself living with her older sister married to a gospel preacher. In the run up to KCPE, the older sister’s husband convinced Mercy to register in the name of the man (as her father) and the sister as her mother. Thus, Mercy’s birth certificate bares the brother in law’s name as her father.

When Mercy approached her sister about support to join Form One (F/1) at the Moi Girls’ school, she was told that this was not possible due to financial constraints. The sister proposed that Mercy joins a cheap day school which she accepted.  However, the sister’s husband turned against Mercy and asked her to leave the family since she was a burden to them. This was the beginning of Mercy’s deep tribulations. “I had to shift and go to live with another sister of mine who could hardly support herself for basic needs yet, this was the only option available to me and my life. As soon as I moved in with my second sister, I realized that she was pregnant and due for delivery in a few months’ time”, Mercy quipped with wetting eyes.

This was at the beginning of 2024 and she had joined F/2. During the 2nd term opening, Mercy was given KES 2000/- Stg2.00 (two sterling) to pay part of the KShs 5000/- termly fees. After one month, she was sent away after the mid-term break due the fees balance. Days turned to weeks and weeks into months.  Still a minor, Mercy had to make the painful decision of giving up her education to go out and look for work in the hope that she could support her expectant sister and save some for her education in the future. One morning, as she was walking from door to door asking for placement in domestic work, she bumped into a friend who advised her to visit Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, and look for Sr Mary O’Malley, a renowned giver.

Even though Mercy did not find Sr Mary when she finally arrived at the church, she met a colleague who ushered her in and listened to her with compassion. She produced a set of documents which included KCPE certificate and her last school’s report form. According to the record, Mercy had scored very high grades giving her an average mean grade of B+. A call was made to the school’s Principal and a deal was struck to get Mercy back to school with immediate effect with a commitment to settle the fees’ balance in the shortest time possible.

“I am unable to believe this”, Mercy quipped. “How have you taken up my case so fast and did everything to ensure that I get back to school? I promise you, I will work hard and ensure that I achieve the dreams of both myself and that of my deceased parents”  she continued. “I will never shame you. I will preserve myself against any temptations for relationships by boys and men until I achieve my desired future”, she concluded.

Mercy’s case is a pure context for potential child trafficking, exploitation or abuse. At her tender age, she could have fallen into the wrong hands in pursuit of her dream. Even though it might look simple, hers is a classical case of a vulnerable minor lacking proper care and protection by the same society which claims to value it’s children as a future generation. The society needs deeper and sincere engagement with issues of human/child trafficking and more so the protection of vulnerable populations such as girls  & boys, the elderly and disabled. 

Education is the surest way out of poverty – vast numbers are trafficked due to lack of school fees.  It is extremely painful to see great potential wasted and forced to eake out a bleak/dreary existence in filthiest sub-human slums.  Then they try to raise their generation in the same conditions and poverty is never truly eliminated.  Without your assistance the likes of ‘Mercy’ could never achieve her dreams, my hope is to get her into a good boarding school. Sasumua is the name of one where I have placed three other ‘genius’ girls – Judith (A’s x10, B x1 with 100% in five subjects)  Nicole* Lisa and hopefully now, it will be the turn of Mercy also.  I know for a fact that even if I fund her in the day school she will not attain the vast potential she is capable of achieving.

Thank you again for the vast support you give to the most vulnerable of young people, they have yet a long way to go but remain there – they will make us all proud.

Best Regards

Mary O’ Malley, MMM


* I was present at the exorcism of her mother, she was a returned Survivor of Human Trafficking.  It was an awesome experience for me and I thank God for giving me such a privileged occasion to be part of.

East Africa: Organ Harvesting Hub?

A recent investigation by Newsweek reveals the alarming use of social media and cryptocurrency in the organ trafficking trade. Modern technology is being misused on platforms like Telegram, where human organs are sold in exchange for cryptocurrency.

Demand and desperation

The demand for organs is fueled by a global shortage, with about 90,000 people waiting for kidney transplants in the U.S. alone. This scarcity drives desperate individuals to sell their organs to escape poverty, or they are tricked into giving them up.

“[Organ harvesting is] primarily an activity of people preying on the desperate – migrants, refugees from war zones. They have no sort of financial wherewithal at all. The most valuable thing they may possess is their organs. Some people get so desperate, they’re willing to sell them.” – Tom Cardamone, President and CEO of Global Financial Integrity (GFI)

The World Health Organization estimates that 10,000 kidneys are traded on the black market annually. Newsweek’s investigation uncovered how traffickers exploit vulnerable people, offering organs from unwilling donors and victims of coercion. Advertisements for organs, like lungs for $10,800 and bone marrow for $1,500, are posted on social media, facilitating transactions through cryptocurrency.

Organ trafficking and cryptocurrency

Organ trafficking operations exploit the anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies and the reach of social media, making it challenging for law enforcement to crack down on these networks.

“Social media is the primary way that criminals offer illicit services. Yes, the Dark Web is used to sell organs, but social media is used to both seek out illicit organs that are being sold and to find buyers.” – Jarrod Sadulski, School of Security and Global Studies at American Military University

The use of coded language and emojis in communication among traffickers further complicates detection and intervention efforts. With an estimated $840 million to $1.7 billion generated annually by the global illegal organ trade, according to Global Financial Integrity, the problem is pervasive yet difficult to address due to limited resources.

“I think proving organ trafficking is really tough as most of the time the victims are not willing to cooperate, and to tackle this problem we need to make organ trafficking illegal – which is much easier to investigate.” – Silvia Tabusca, Human Security Program at the European Center for Legal Education and Research

Celebrating Ms. Edith Murogo: 2024 TIP Report Hero Award and a NAHUSOM Heroine

During the validation of the Network Against Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants (NAHUSOM) on 16th August 2024 at the CHTEA offices, a new heroine was celebrated in the most special of way.

Edith Murogo, the Executive Director and Founder of the Center for Domestic Training and Development was recently honored with the prestigious 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report Hero Award by the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C, on June 24,2024. This was in recognition of her relentless effort to curb human trafficking and irregular migration, among other services in support of victims and survivors.

Edith’s story started way back in 2001 when she first set up a training unit for domestic workers in Kenya at her own residence in Nairobi. She later moved to a rented unit where the demand turn a twist as she got higher recognition to train domestic workers for foreign placement and her center got accreditation from the Government. The rest is history.

The US recognition was a testament to Edith’s unwavering dedication and the tremendous impact of her collective effort at CDTD. It was also a significant milestone not only for her organization but also for NAHUSOM where she has been nominated to be the “Goodwill Ambassador” at large.  In this new role, Edith edifies the broader fight against human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants. In a show of hands and demonstration of solidarity, all NAHUSOM members present during the meeting affirmed Edith’s new status.


Above: Edith Murogo receives her award from the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at Washington DC

In her NAHUSOM acceptance speech, Edith reiterated that, “I am deeply grateful for your support, which has been instrumental in helping me advance my mission to create a just and peaceful world where every individual enjoys their rights and dignity”.  She continued, “This award would not have been possible without the collaboration and partnership of allies like you”.

Above clip: The moment of glory and address to the world

“As I continue this vital work, I look forward to your continued support. Together, we can end human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery”, she concluded.

The Launch of the Migrant Response Plan for the East and Horn of Africa

Migration from anywhere involves a certain amount of risk, and migration routes across Africa are some of the most dangerous. In pursuit of safety, security, and a better life, African migrants travel across oceans and deserts to reach various parts of Europe, Middle East and the Far East Asian countries. Migration routes are not only about movement out of Africa but also within the continent. One such a route is the Southern, where migrants move from the East and Horn of Africa toward the south, with the ultimate goal of reaching South Africa and other a few other Southern Africa countries. Due to the vulnerable movement context, many migrants run out of money before they reach their intended destination. This scenario triggers a vicious cycle that sometimes ends in human trafficking. Nasty experiences such as abductions and forced labor, or, for girls and women, forced prostitution and forced marriage, the risk of becoming trapped in modern slavery looms large over each journey as unscrupulous smugglers and criminals turn a lucrative profit.

Kenya MRP Partners Coordination Meeting

In 2024, the MRP formally included two countries of the Southern Route7, Kenya and Tanzania. To practically advance this inclusion and identify concrete next steps in implementing the Southern Route components of the MRP 2024, the MRP Coordination Unit convened an in-person meeting for MRP partners from Kenya and Tanzania on 26 March 2024 in Nairobi. Nineteen MRP partner representatives from the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Secretariat for Kenya, Counter Human Trafficking Trust East Africa (CHTEA), Candle of Hope, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Salvation Army, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and World Vision Kenya attended the meeting. The outcomes of the meeting included an improved overall understanding of the MRP structure and operational modalities, mapping of country-level coordination mechanisms, a working understanding of MRP reporting and data systems, and an overview of the MRP communications and visibility strategy. The discussion culminated in the drafting of the MRP Action Plan for the partners to operationalize the agreed coordination and programming activities that will contribute to the successful implementation of the MRP 2024

The Regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa is a multi-stakeholder, multi-year and multi-country coordination framework bringing together governments, the United Nations (UN), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as well as international and national NGOs in Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania and Yemen to strengthen humanitarian, protection and development assistance to migrants and host communities in vulnerable situations. While the framework is implemented by a wide range of 48 UN agencies, governments and NGOs (as stated in the Q3 report for 2023), the coordination of the framework is overseen by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and managed through the Migrant Response Plan Coordination Unit and the MRP Regional Coordination Committees for Regional Directors and technical focal points comprising 16 partners. The regional coordination meetings are complemented by three thematic working groups and country-level coordination meetings.

Unsafe migration in Africa

Unsafe migration in Africa: Lucrative business for traffickers

Migration from anywhere involves a certain amount of risk, and migration routes across Africa are some of the most dangerous. In pursuit of safety, security, and a better life, African migrants travel across oceans and deserts to reach Europe. Many run out of money before they reach their destination, beginning a vicious cycle that sometimes ends in trafficking. Threatened with abduction and forced labor, or, for girls and women, forced prostitution and forced marriage, the risk of becoming trapped in modern slavery looms large over each journey as unscrupulous smugglers and criminals turn a lucrative profit.

Thousands of migrants trapped in modern slavery or worse

In recent years people from Nigeria, Mali, Niger, and Senegal have been undertaking a perilous journey away from their homes in greater and greater numbers to find a better life in Europe or elsewhere. However, before they even reach the Sahara Desert or the Mediterranean Sea, many fall into the hands of traffickers and criminals waiting along the route.

Joyce Vincent, a Nigerian woman who barely survived her migration journey said:

“These thieves…if they catch you, they will either sell you into prostitution or they take your organs,”

Driven by a shortage of food, housing, and jobs as well as worsening security due to various regional crises, African migrants are desperate to find safety and security.

Scammers and traffickers exploit this desperation, turning it into a lucrative profit that costs migrants their freedom and sometimes their lives. According to human rights NGO Walk Free, across Africa, an estimated seven million people were living under conditions of modern slavery in 2021. Additionally, a recent International Organization for Migration (IOM) report found that at least 8,565 people died on international migration routes in 2023, making it the deadliest year for migration since IOM began keeping records.

Controversial agreements encouraging human trafficking

Leonie Jantzer from the human rights organization Medico International suggests that in a global context, particularly migration on the African continent is being criminalized by controversial partnerships between the E.U. and African states that sit along popular migration routes. In Jantzer’s opinion, current policies don’t stop migration and only encourage more human trafficking.

Jantzer said:

“If migration were legal, the traffickers’ business wouldn’t work at all,”

The controversial partnerships between the EU and African security forces were first launched in the early 2000s. Pressured and sanctioned by the E.U. which provides millions of Euros each year, these agreements allow African states to send migrants back to the places they fled. This, coupled with a lack of criminal prosecution for unscrupulous actors found along popular migration routes, is allowing human traffickers to turn a huge profit from modern slavery and to continue their exploitative activities with little concern of being caught or punished.

Migration should not cost your freedom or your life

Freedom United stands with those organizations demanding that governments cooperate more closely to catch the villains instead of criminalizing innocent migrants fleeing violence, exploitation, and unrest.

*Article from Freedom United, 30th July 2024

Short Survivor Stories

  1. Hesbon

Hesbon is a male survivor of trafficking whose story is quite moving. He lost his marriage upon travelling to the middle east (Qatar and Saudi Arabia, among other countries). His wife and kid left the matrimonial home during his job detour as he was not being compensated for the work he did hence, he was not sending any upkeep money back home. She eventually remarried.

His story is available on You-tube.


Humphrey was doing a soap making and supply business with his late father at Kibera and he still speaks of it with a lot of nostalgia. He is keen to restart the business which he claims to understand deeply and sounds confident that he would do well re-establishing both the manufacturing and distribution as trained by his late father (RIP).

Upon our assessment, Humphrey exhibits good signs of integrity and abilities to re-start his life. This however may be monitored to ensure that he indeed does the correct things……especially at the start of the business.

  1. Abdallah

Abdallah is a 20-year male who was sexually abused (sodomised) while being trafficked to Nairobi in the guise of a job. He traveled to Nairobi on 2nd December 2023. An alleged friend lied to him that he had a job for him in Nairobi but when he arrived, the friend switched off his phone.

As he was trying to figure out what to do, he met a man who promised to get him a job of his choice and also offered to accommodate him for the night. The man later took him to a single room flat at Kayole where he sodomised him for 3-4 days under the influence of drugs. When Ismail regained his consciousness, he felt a lot pain while passing stool which was blood stained too. His aggressor later brought him to the CBD where he left him at the KENCOM stage. Abdallah walked aimlessly to Muthurwa market where he found an abandoned vehicle and he started using it as his new home while during the day he used to visit the Wakulima market to scavenge for any spoilt edible fruit.

One day, Abdallah walked towards South B where he was noticed by a CHTEA volunteer worker who took him to the mater hospital CCC clinic. He could not be attended there as they required a police P3 form. He was later facilitated and accompanied by a CHTEA staff to the Nairobi Women’s hospital where he received good medical attention. All this while, he stayed at a CHTEA rented accommodation at South B.

Abdallah got better and was released to travel back home on 8th January 2024. Upon enquiry, Ismail indicated that he would be happy to run a vegetable/grocery shop back in Kakamega.

  1. Grace

Grace is a female survivor who returned from Saudi Arabia in September 2022. She’s been going through a lot of traumatic after effects of the abuses mated on her while in Saudi. She recently texted me the following:

“I am a survivor of human-trafficking, I came back from Saudi Arabia and I haven’t been well mentally. I recently heard about CHTEA, I just really need help and support. Most importantly, therapy. I’m not okay and I really need help. Thank you.”

Upon her return, Grace was evicted from the family home (alongside her 3 children) by her biological mother as she had not been sending back any upkeep money for her children. She currently lives with a friend on borrowed time.

Upon discussion with a good therapist, Grace will need 10 -15 sessions spread over a period of time in order to deal with the incubated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) effects. The therapist was also of the opinion that her 3 children could also receive about 5 sessions to help them heal from the traumatic effects of the situation happening around them.