- Hesbon
Hesbon is a male survivor of trafficking whose story is quite moving. He lost his marriage upon travelling to the middle east (Qatar and Saudi Arabia, among other countries). His wife and kid left the matrimonial home during his job detour as he was not being compensated for the work he did hence, he was not sending any upkeep money back home. She eventually remarried.
His story is available on You-tube.
Humphrey was doing a soap making and supply business with his late father at Kibera and he still speaks of it with a lot of nostalgia. He is keen to restart the business which he claims to understand deeply and sounds confident that he would do well re-establishing both the manufacturing and distribution as trained by his late father (RIP).
Upon our assessment, Humphrey exhibits good signs of integrity and abilities to re-start his life. This however may be monitored to ensure that he indeed does the correct things……especially at the start of the business.
- Abdallah
Abdallah is a 20-year male who was sexually abused (sodomised) while being trafficked to Nairobi in the guise of a job. He traveled to Nairobi on 2nd December 2023. An alleged friend lied to him that he had a job for him in Nairobi but when he arrived, the friend switched off his phone.
As he was trying to figure out what to do, he met a man who promised to get him a job of his choice and also offered to accommodate him for the night. The man later took him to a single room flat at Kayole where he sodomised him for 3-4 days under the influence of drugs. When Ismail regained his consciousness, he felt a lot pain while passing stool which was blood stained too. His aggressor later brought him to the CBD where he left him at the KENCOM stage. Abdallah walked aimlessly to Muthurwa market where he found an abandoned vehicle and he started using it as his new home while during the day he used to visit the Wakulima market to scavenge for any spoilt edible fruit.
One day, Abdallah walked towards South B where he was noticed by a CHTEA volunteer worker who took him to the mater hospital CCC clinic. He could not be attended there as they required a police P3 form. He was later facilitated and accompanied by a CHTEA staff to the Nairobi Women’s hospital where he received good medical attention. All this while, he stayed at a CHTEA rented accommodation at South B.
Abdallah got better and was released to travel back home on 8th January 2024. Upon enquiry, Ismail indicated that he would be happy to run a vegetable/grocery shop back in Kakamega.
- Grace
Grace is a female survivor who returned from Saudi Arabia in September 2022. She’s been going through a lot of traumatic after effects of the abuses mated on her while in Saudi. She recently texted me the following:
“I am a survivor of human-trafficking, I came back from Saudi Arabia and I haven’t been well mentally. I recently heard about CHTEA, I just really need help and support. Most importantly, therapy. I’m not okay and I really need help. Thank you.”
Upon her return, Grace was evicted from the family home (alongside her 3 children) by her biological mother as she had not been sending back any upkeep money for her children. She currently lives with a friend on borrowed time.
Upon discussion with a good therapist, Grace will need 10 -15 sessions spread over a period of time in order to deal with the incubated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) effects. The therapist was also of the opinion that her 3 children could also receive about 5 sessions to help them heal from the traumatic effects of the situation happening around them.