On 4th October, Counter Human Trafficking Trust-East Africa (CHTEA) (represented by Ms Precious Musyoki) joined other civil society organisations Religious Against Human Trafficking [RAHT], Free the Slaves, the Salvation Army, Footprint of hope and Jafari Jata Solution in a meeting convened by Free The Slaves to review the Alliance 8.7 commitments.
The discussion on Alliance 8.7 revolved around evaluating the progress made in the past year towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 – eradicating forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. Partners shared their respective initiatives and programs, emphasizing the need for increased coordination and innovative strategies.
Some of the key points discussed included:
- Sharing best practices in survivor rehabilitation and reintegration.
- Advantages of joining the alliance as a country or as an organization.
- Enhancing awareness campaigns to prevent trafficking and exploitation.
The 2nd agenda for the day was Survivor engagement, it took center stage, highlighting the importance of survivor voices in shaping effective anti-trafficking interventions. Partners shared their success stories and challenges faced in empowering survivors. The key highlights included:
- Providing comprehensive support services, including counseling, education, and skills’ development.
- Ensuring survivor data confidentiality and security.
Partners during discussions at the meeting
Later on, partners presented their annual reports, detailing their achievements, challenges, and future plans. The reports highlighted:
- An increase in number of rescued victims and successful prosecutions.
- Challenges faced, such as limited financial and human resources and the evolving nature of human trafficking methods.
- The need for collaborative efforts with local authorities, NGOs, and international organizations.
The meeting was then concluded with a brainstorming session to outline actionable steps based on the discussions. The following were agreed upon:
- Forming of task forces to focus on specific aspects of Alliance 8.7 goals to ensure targeted efforts.
- Establishing a survivor-led advisory programs and policies.
- Organizing joint training sessions for law enforcement officers, social workers, and legal professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge on Trafficking In Persons and Smuggling of Migrants.
- Expressed the need for framework to avoid double-recording of the survivors in different organizations to achieve optimal use of the limited resources.
The meeting concluded on a positive note, with partners expressing their commitment to intensify efforts in the following year. The exchange of ideas and experiences during the meeting reinforced the importance of collaboration in addressing the multifaceted issue of trafficking and exploitation. The next meeting was scheduled for November where the dates will be communicated on a later date.